Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How to attract any woman and seduce her into bed?

If you are expecting a straight answer to this question you would be disppointed. But be aware that getting a woman into your bed requires a bit of patience and tactics unless ofcourse she was so desperate for sex for long.

Women though not diferent from men in matters of feeling and emotions , value their image and reputation more than men. While you have nothing to lose if caught red handed and could withstand the blame as a part of your macho image , she has more to lose. Even the most loose moral lady would not like to be known as an easy target and precisely that is what makes your job difficult for getting her into bed.

However once you are able to convince her about your care and love and should she rate you as trustworthy nothing could stop her from getting into your arms.So the point number one to get a lady into bed is earning her trust.
women like to be cared and nurtured. Even the toughest woman would like to be in the protective arms of a man and as such unless you are able to demonstrate that you are worthy of taking care of her mind and body no woman would hear you.Hence the point number two is

Be bold and firm in your actions with others but be soft and caring with your girl.
Women like upright and straight forward men. However she may despise one who is shy of opening up the subject of sex or one who is only worthy of a friend to pass the time. so the point number 3 is

Be good and straight forward but make your sexul feeling towards her more open and present it boldly at the appropriate time. In the process if you are going to lose the woman let it be since you would never have a chance of getting such a woman into bed.These stuff are the time killers and part time preachers who want someone else to hear their woes and worries.Unless you are a free counsellor , keep of from them!.

the point number 4 is never be afraid of the risk of losing a woman by making her understand your feelings towards her. You should not be mistaken for a boring friend instead of a man who would like to take her in your arms. so let us go ahead now. Your dream woman is waiting for your right approach !!
If you would like to read more about seduction tips and be a lady killer log on to this site.!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to make your Friend into a girlfriend and Get her into your Bed

I know your dilemma . It has been months or even years that you have been friends . You might have felt many times that she is worth more than a casual friend .But you have been stuck up in the friend zone. Whenever you have thought of breaking that strong barrier something have been pulling you back strongly. isn't it? I know you were afraid of losing your valuable friendship . In the process you could never accomplish your long cherished wish of making her your Girlfriend and partner of your life. Who is to be blamed for this scenario?

If you feel that these type of problems are isolated and bothering only you, you are thoroughly mistaken. Below i reproduce a question from yahoo answers .

"I've had a thing for a good friend of mine for a while now and want to know how I can get her into bed. She is beautiful, smart, and has an amazing body... and there is a great connection between the two of us. However, I can help thinking she see's me more as a 'best friend' than a 'potential lover'.

How can I change this? Are there known methods to securing the affections of a friend? "

What a tragedy!!

And the funny fact is that every bit of answer i found there was rubbish.

First and foremost you need to understand that in this situation you are the person who has to take the lead.Even if she had such a desire she would not have shown the same for fear of rejection.One more important point is that relationship develop from friendship only . No one has ever taken a girl into bed the very first day they have met unless of course it was such an intentional online date.And the tips for online dating or instant dating are different from transforming a nice friend into a fantastic horny girlfriend.

Turning a friend into a girl friend and getting her into bed is not a difficult task provided you pull the right strings.There are three most important points that you need to bear in mind before you attempt to make your friend into a girlfriend.

First You need to reveal your intentions to your friend. If you only imagine that she may in due course of time realized your intentions the chances are that you may lose her to one of the other smart guys.How to inform a good friend that you are interested in her more than just a friend? Simply start behaving like a Man and not like a boy.Whenever opportunity comes start a talk on romantic lines, discuss about your interest in sex and how you admire matured girls like her.This may give her the first signal. Initially the responses may be a shock or a surprise. Never mind take it cool and allow her to think about the change in you.If she has already moved into someone's domain you may get a straight rejection and lesser meetings. Do not get worried. If you consider a female as worth making a girl friend and like to have sex with her there is no pointing in carrying her on your back as a friend to discuss politics or recession . Move on there is enough fish in the sea.On the other hand if she is undecided and does not want to lose you she may take some time and make a decision mostly favorable to you.

Once you get the green signal you need to act fast.Take her for a dinner or for a drink. open up your mind and all that you have dreamed about her all these days.slowly drive her into hot talk and never miss a chance to touch her and proceed further. She may love it, once she has decided the course of action.

Thirdly you need to take her into confidence for no respectful lady would strip off in front of a man unless she finds him honest reliable and worthy of a long term relationship.While you take your friendship to the next level of close relationship and sharing everything together , you need to be more careful in protecting her , getting her favorite things and giving her every bit of love and there you are ! she would fall head over heels in front of you for ever.

There are very minute and intricate secrets that guarantees to make any friend into your girlfriend or pick up any woman you desire and lead her into your bed . Whether it is online dating or off line dating these secrets are from the personal experience of many 'pick up masters' who have been successful with any type of women. These are secrets those are eternal and that would ensure you what you desire from a beautiful woman. If you would like to know more about the secrets of leading a woman into bed and making a friend a girlfriend and be successful with any tough woman here is the way just see the link to Get any woman into your bed